
Money-Saving Tips for Newlyweds

by Susan Paige
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Image: https://pixabay.com/photos/couple-hands-holding-hands-man-1845334/

Beginning a new life together as newlyweds can be an exciting period since you will finally be with your special one each day. While it can be exciting, there are also a lot of responsibilities that come with it since you will now be preparing not just for your future, but that of your spouse and your kids. Finance is one of the areas that you need to work on. You should talk about it early on so you can budget well together, which will prevent financial difficulties and troubles in this area. Here are some money-saving tips that are helpful for those who just tied the knot.

Sit down and talk about finances

You may have not seriously talked about each other’s financial habits in the past. Now is the time to do this. You need to understand how your partner handles their finances, and they need to know how you do yours. With this, you can come up with something that will work for both of you as a married couple.

Set up goals

Have specific goals so you will know clearly what you need to do. For instance, you may want to have your own home, so you decide to get a mortgage in a particular month or year. Perhaps you want to upgrade your vehicle, and you choose to buy a new one or find cheap car lease deals instead. You need to be clear on what you want to achieve so you can decide on the actual steps that you need to take to get there.

Work on your budget

Once you know your specific goals, it’s time to do some calculations. Take note of your income and the regular outgoing expenses, including rent, electricity, water, gas, petrol, food, groceries, and other bills that you have. It will show you how much remaining money you have once those expenses are taken out and what you can budget for your goals. Once you set your budget, be sure to stick with it as much as possible to stay on track and avoid financial problems.

Decide on who manages the bills

You need to take care of the bills on time to avoid extra fees or the hassle of being disconnected from services. Decide whether you or your partner will make the payments.

Talk about lending money to relatives or friends

It’s a cause of disagreement between many couples, and you are probably going to face it at one point. Talk about how to handle this situation and follow whatever you have agreed.

Consider getting a joint account

Apply for a joint account so that you will be accountable to each other as it will require the permission of both of you to make a withdrawal.

Set aside money for emergencies 

Unexpected things can happen, and without emergency savings, it could cause financial challenges and stress. You will have peace of mind knowing that you have something to spend in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Your financial needs may change over time, so it’s also vital that you set a regular schedule to talk about your finances to ensure that everything is in place.

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