I got the idea for a baby bucket list from Newlyweds Next Door. Here are all the things to do before we have a baby (aka sometime around 2014 or after *we hope*):
- Purchase a DSLR camera (The Nikon D3300
has been called basic but brilliant)
- Get rid of BPA materials in the house
- Stop buying foods off the dirty dozen list
- Switch to all organic cleaning supplies (we currently have a lot of organic cleaning supplies, but there’s still some Windex and Comet lying around that I refuse to throw away)
- Go on a hot air balloon ride
- Go somewhere exotic for a honeymoon
- Go to Europe
- Mardi Gras in New Orleans (perhaps in 2012?)
- Visit New York City together
- Travel to Asia
- Purchase a family car (NOT a minivan)
- Have 6-month emergency fund
- Pay off current car Done! 11/16/11
- Write a will
- Increase life insurance
- Have Eric be hired as a firefighter
- Move out of our love shack
- Pay off student loans
What would be on your baby bucket list?
Photo Source: Steven Isaacson
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YES!! No more dirty dozen! We jsut got our 6 month in an ING account, and we are over the moon about it!! GO GIRL!!! YOU CAN DO IT!
My baby bucket list?
1. Find man worth having baby with.
Awesome list!
At least two years cancer free (not filing adoption paperwork until after August 2012);
First year of classes done (starting to teach in the fall at a local university); and
Being further established as a speaker, writer and advocate on breast cancer issues.
You have a lot on your list that I never thought of it. My big thing is I want to have paid off the bulk of my student, buy a house, and have a secure job for at least two years. I think doing some fun things beforehand would be great too.
You wanna know something crazy? I think I’ve already DONE almost everything I’d want to do prior to having a child….but I don’t know if I want a child at all!
We’ve travelled, we’ve built a solid financial foundation, we’ve each achieved a lot of the goals we’ve set out for ourselves (though many more remain, of course), and really, if I were to get knocked up on accident at this point, I don’t think I’d feel the kind of ‘but I never got a chance to…X’ terror that I would have just a couple of years ago.
Awh! How cute! We have one of these lists too! We have managed to smash through a lot of them quickly, thank God!
I really like your list and mine is similar. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s ok not to cross off everything on the list. Sometimes I aim too high. You can raise delightful children in an imperfect home.
I love your travel list, we already have kids but I guess it is like a to do list when we retire.
I really want to go on hot air balloon ride, I have been looking them up. It’s not cheap that’s for sure.
Love your list! I have many of the same things on mine. I especially want to travel, so badly! *sigh*
Let me know when you are thinking about buying your DSLR. I have lots of recommendations.
Our remaining baby bucket list is pay off the student loans, emergency fund of 9 months, travel to Europe, go on a cruise or two and upgrade our cars to family-friendly ones (I’d like a crossover and Hubs needs a car that was made in this century). All doable though if I were to get knocked up tomorrow….we’d still have 9 months!
For cleaning supplies, you might check out Melalueca, that’s where I get all our cleaning supplies and vitamins and it was simple & painless transition over to their items.
I would have a lot of the same things on my list too. I would add more to travel and since I’m still in grad school I suppose have a finished degree and solid job too! : )
I totally relate with the need of having a baby bucket list. Husband and I have some debt to pay off, but it’s mostly about places that we want to go and see and have the house completely redecorated/reformed. And having the 6 month emergency fund is also on our list.
Honestly though, I can’t wait to have accomplished all of our items in the bucket list, so my husband doesn’t have more excuses! hahaha
Those are awesome…for me, one of my biggest is owning a house again. I don’t want to live in an apartment when I have kids. It;s just not how I envision it for myself.
I love baby bucket lists.
I made one a while back, http://ablogofherown.wordpress.com/2011/03/09/life-lists/
Good luck with yours! I need to get busy on a few of mine…haha.
This is a great list! I hope you’re able to accomplish everything on it. 🙂
About the cleaning supplies, how about a compromise: Ditch the comet and windex (!!!) but instead of buying pricey organic stuff, use vinegar/water and vinegar/baking soda. I haven’t found much vinegar can’t clean. I even wrote a blog post about it a while back, if it’s helpful.
Oh, and the only entry on my baby bucket list? Find a husband!
Hey Newlyweds! Wow this is such a great list. This is something I’ve talked to other people about as well – Some say you can never have enough money for a kid while others wait until they are in their mid 30s just to get everything done. There is no way I’ll pay back our student loans before we have kids (my husband is in medical school) but I would like for him to be a resident with an income & insurance when it happens, so that puts me like 3-4ish years off! eek!
Hey, I have one of those too! Here’s mine, updated: http://librarianhousewife.blogspot.com/2011/03/baby-bucket-listupdated.html
Sorry, I don’t know how to do HTML or else I’d make it a nice link 🙂
Currently the savings are what’s really holding us back…because we’re going to have The Conversation probably at the end of this year, early next…